Beginners Guide to Kratom

The effects of kratom vary from person to person. It’s important to consider your size, weight and medical history before taking it.

You can make kratom tea in your own kitchen by adding the desired amount of powder to boiling water and simmering it. This is an easy recipe that can be enjoyed anytime, anywhere.

How to Use Kratom

Whether you are new to kratom or are an experienced user, it is important to find your “sweet spot”. This is the dose that produces all of the desired effects for you. The best way to find this is to start low and then gradually increase your dosage until you feel the results.

A good place to start is with a small dosage of around two or three grams of premium kratom powder. This can help you achieve the desired effect without feeling any side effects. It is also a good idea to invest in an accurate scale that measures down to one gram to ensure you get the right amount every time.

Most Common Ways to Use Kratom

The most common method of using kratom is to “toss and wash.” To do this, simply put a teaspoon or more of powder in your mouth and then rinse it with water. Some users like to add sugar or another flavor to the water to disguise the bitter taste of the kratom.

Other ways to use kratom include making tea and mixing it into smoothies. Some people even make kratom capsules for easy consumption. It is important to take the time to learn how to prepare kratom properly to maximize its benefits.

Beginners should not take kratom more than twice a day. This is because it can cause unwanted side effects if taken more than this. It is also recommended to wait at least 12 hours between each kratom intake. This allows your body to metabolize and excrete the drug.

Aside from being an effective pain reliever, kratom can also boost your mood and provide energy. It can even stimulate your digestion and curb feelings of nausea. This is why it is often used by those with irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, and diarrhea.

If you want to use kratom for anxiety, it can produce sedative effects that relax your muscles and calm your mind. The exact dosage you need to achieve this effect will depend on your age and health status. However, a general recommendation is three to four grams of kratom per day. It is best to choose a kratom strain that is high in alkaloids to maximize its effectiveness. Look for a vendor that sources its products from a single source farmer and performs rigorous lab testing to guarantee the quality of their product.


If you are interested in kratom for study or to feel more energetic, it is best to start with just a single gram. This will give you a stimulating effect similar to caffeine, and may also help you focus. If you want more energy, you can add more grams, but make sure to not exceed 5 grams total. You can also take kratom to reduce stress and anxiety. To do this, you should begin with 1 to 4 grams of kratom, and then increase the dose by about 0.5 grams every 45 minutes until you reach the desired effect.

Another way to use kratom is to make it into a tea. It can be made from powdered leaves or extracts, but the best method is to boil water with the leaf and then allow it to steep for a few minutes. This will release the active alkaloids in the kratom, which can then be sipped and enjoyed.

A tea made from the kratom plant contains a compound called mitragynine, which interacts with receptor systems in the brain to produce stimulant effects. Another compound in the plant, 7-a-hydroxymitragynine, binds to opioid receptors to produce pain-reducing effects.

Throughout Southeast Asia, kratom is used by laborers to increase productivity and combat fatigue. Known by a variety of names including ketum, biak-biak, kahuam, ithang, and thom/tom, kratom is so embedded in local culture that users rarely see it as a drug, although long-term use can lead to addiction.

The type of kratom you choose will affect the effects that it produces. White vein kratom is considered fast acting and invigorating, while red vein kratom has a soothing effect. It is recommended that you purchase high quality kratom from a trusted vendor like The Golden Monk, to ensure that it has the highest concentration of active alkaloids.

A good way to assess whether a patient is using kratom is by asking open-ended questions during an evaluation. These can be asked in a nonjudgmental and respectful manner to encourage honest disclosure. Additionally, allowing patients to discuss their experiences and desired outcomes with kratom can help providers identify gaps in knowledge or false beliefs that need further education.


The kratom plant (Mitragyna speciosa) contains alkaloids that have psychoactive properties. It is most often used for pain relief but can also create euphoria, energy, and mood elevation. Some people even experience sedation at high doses. This makes kratom popular with people looking to quit opioid addictions, because it can provide some of the same effects without the dangerous withdrawal symptoms associated with opiate drugs like heroin or morphine.

However, there are several cautions to take when using kratom, especially in higher doses. If you’re new to kratom, start with a low dosage and slowly work your way up. A low dosage is relative to each individual, but is usually around 2 grams. Once you’ve found a low dosage that provides you with all of the desired effects, continue to use this dosage for as long as you want to experience the benefits.

You should also keep in mind that kratom interacts with certain medications and can cause serious side effects. It is important to be aware of this before you decide to start taking it for any purpose. You should also avoid drinking any alcohol, caffeine, or other stimulants while taking kratom. This is because these substances can cause the kratom to have an effect that is much stronger than it would be otherwise.

If you’re experiencing any side effects, make sure to consult your doctor or a kratom expert for help. They will be able to tell you if the side effects are normal or not, and can also suggest a remedy for them.

In addition to the possible side effects of kratom, it can be difficult to know what you’re getting when you buy from a vendor online. Some products may contain other chemicals, such as heavy metals, that can poison you. This is why it is incredibly important to purchase your kratom from a reputable kratom dealer such as Funky Monkey.

Side Effects

Many people are drawn to kratom because of its effectiveness in relieving pain. Despite medical communities trying to steer clear of opioids for pain management, some patients still need relief and are seeking alternatives. Because of kratom’s interaction with the opioid receptors in the brain, some users experience psychological side effects that can be similar to those associated with opiate addiction.

It’s important to be aware of these potential side effects and avoid them. A good way to reduce risk is to only use high quality kratom from a reputable vendor. This ensures that the kratom has been manufactured and stored properly to avoid mold, contamination, and other potential problems. In addition, a reputable vendor will be open to discussing ingredients and production methods with their customers to help ensure that the product is safe and effective.

During the initial stages of kratom usage, it’s important to start with a low dose and gradually increase it over time. This helps to avoid unwanted side effects such as jitters and nausea. A general rule of thumb is to consume 1 to 1.5 grams of kratom powder or a cup of brewed kratom tea.

If you’re an average person with no sensitivity to new botanicals, this dosage should provide an energy boost and alleviate any stress or depression that may be present. Those who are more sensitive to kratom should start at the lowest dose possible. This can be done by consuming a small amount and waiting 20 to 25 minutes before increasing the dosage.

Taking too much kratom can lead to negative physical side effects such as diarrhea, vomiting, stomach cramps, increased heart rate, and restlessness. It can also cause sedation, which is more commonly seen in higher doses. If a user takes more than 15 grams, they may experience unconsciousness and extreme drowsiness.

When kratom is used in higher doses, it can have opioid-like symptoms such as muscle aches, changes in appetite, dry mouth, and decreased urination. Long-term kratom use can even result in addiction. When this occurs, the user will experience withdrawal symptoms when they stop using kratom. These withdrawal symptoms can include muscle aches, cravings for the drug, difficulty sleeping, and emotional distress.

Kratom Powders

Premium Kratom Powders

Kratom cApsules

Premium Kratom Capsules